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Saturday, January 28, 2012

"Gifts of the Millionaire"


Otautau Standard and Wallace County Chronicle, July 20,1909

[This article, incidentally, was originally published in The Illustrated London News on May 29, 1909, with the exception that the latter version in the ILN contains one more paragraph (at the end) than this version does.]

"The Dullness of the New Religions"


-The Open Road (London), originally published in 1911
[Reprinted in The New York Times, August 25, 1912]

Friday, January 27, 2012

"The New Humility"


The Independent Review, volume IX, April-June 1906

Main Index

Below is the "Main Index" of all the articles/writings on this website, listed in chronological order. Source information is available on individual pages. (The Bookman articles, however, are simply linked to, as they are found on another website)

"Starting Afresh"



An excert from:

Is it a New World? A Series of Articles and Letters Contributed by Correspondents to the "Daily Telegraph" August-September, 1920 (published in 1921)

This was Chesterton's contribution in response to a question that appeared in the Daily Telegraph, his response emphasizing the need for engaging in self-criticism, both as individuals and as a society

"The Poetic Quality in Liberalism"


-The Independent Review, Volume 5, February-April. 1905

"An Agnostic Defeat"


-Dublin Review
 [Reprinted in The Living Age, volume CCLXXII, January, February, March 1912]

"Live Furniture"

I found this essay amusing. :-)


"Black and White"
[Reprinted in Current Opinion: A Magazine of Record and Review, volume XXXVI, January-June 1904]

"Victor Hugo"


-The Pall Magazine, volume XXVI, January-April 1902 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Samuel Johnson"

Excerpted from Samuel Johnson by Alice Meynell (1911)

Introduction by G.K. Chesterton

"Patriotism and Ethics"

Patriotism and Ethics
The Speaker, May 18, 1901

"The Bookman" articles

The following are articles that Chesterton wrote for The Bookman which are online.

"Velasquez and Poussin"


-December 1899, The Bookman

Index of The Speaker articles

Articles for The Speaker

Below are links to the articles and other pieces that Chesterton wrote for The Speaker. In all, I have found 112 pieces (including 12 poems and 3 letters). I believe that I have included all that he wrote for that paper, but I could have overlooked some.

I have decided to also include those which were later reprinted in books and already available online (such as in The Defendant and Twelve Types, etc.) for two reasons. First, for the sake of completeness, but also for the fact that for some of them, there are some differences between the original article, and the form it took when published in a book. (For instance, his article "St. Francis of Assisi" of December 1, 1900 has a passage not included when it was reprinted in Twelve Types.). For any such articles, after the title I include in brackets the book it was later reprinted in (sometimes with alterations, as mentioned above), if I am aware of it.

Please forgive any typos in the pieces.

Also, if you wish for these pieces as a printed book, you can go here

"The Problem of Minor Poetry"

The Problem of Minor Poetry
The Speaker, March 30, 1901

"The Literature of Death"

The Literature of Death
The Speaker, March 16, 1901

"A Denunciation of Parents"

A Denunciation of Parents
The Speaker, March 9, 1901

"Jews Old and New"

Jews Old and New
The Speaker, March 2, 1901

"The Morality of the Hat"

The Morality of the Hat
The Speaker, March 2, 1901

"Our English Goblins"

Our English Goblins
The Speaker, February 23, 1901

"The War of the Ghosts and Gods"

The War of the Ghosts and Gods
The Speaker, February 9, 1901

"Science and Patriotism"

Science and Patriotism
The Speaker, February 2, 1901

"Woman and the Philosophers"

Woman and the Philosophers
The Speaker, January 26, 1901

"Mark Rutherford"

Mark Rutherford
The Speaker, January 12, 1901

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Ad Astra"

"Ad Astra"
The Speaker, January 5, 1901

"The Christmas Story"

The Christmas Story
The Speaker, December 29, 1900

"Puritan and Anglican

Puritan and Anglican
The Speaker, December 15, 1900

"Literature and Childhood"

Literature and Childhood
The Speaker, November 24, 1900

"Our Reasonable Imperialist"

Our Reasonable Imperialist
The Speaker, November 10, 1900

"Buddha Versus Buddhism"

Buddha versus Buddhism
The Speaker, November 17, 1900

"How the Church Stands To-Day"

How the Church Stands To-Day
The Speaker,  October 27, 1900

"A Manx Minstrel"

A Manx Minstrel
The Speaker, October 20, 1900

"Christmas Books for Children"

Christmas Books for Children
The Speaker, December 8, 1900

"What We All Mean"

What We All Mean
The Speaker, February 16, 1901

"How Not To Do It"

How Not To Do It
The Speaker, March 23, 1901 


Welcome! I already have a G.K. Chesterton blog with many quotes of his that I frequently update, but this blog is a little different. One thing I wish to do with this blog is post various Chesterton articles and other writings that I come across that, while in the public domain, I do not see elsewhere on the web all gathered all into one spot. Necessarily, it follows that posts on this blog, then, will be much longer than on my other blog. However, I hope they will be helpful for others.

Also, one disclaimer: it goes without saying that one person is not always going to agree completely with everything said or written by another person, no matter how much the former admires the latter. That being the case, just because I post a writing on here written by Chesterton does not mean that I agree with all of the views he expressed in that writing. I do indeed think Chesterton one of the wisest men to have ever lived, but nevertheless I do disagree with him on certain things he has written at times. If I post an article, then, it does not necessarily express my own views. I am merely "archiving" it on this blog. (Of course, such outright disagreements I may have with him are more the exception than the rule, but for where it is applicable, I thought it a good idea to state this warning upfront lest any misunderstandings occur.)